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Re: Keep Running - 5to10k

Posted: Wed Jun 27, 2012 4:37 am
by Courtney24107
I agree as well. I would love to have you guys train me to run a marathon one day! But a 10k app would definitely suffice :) Im more than happy to pay for it and stick with get running!

Re: Keep Running - 5to10k

Posted: Fri Aug 10, 2012 5:43 pm
by Redro
I kicked off with this app on January the 3rd last year. I am running 8ks regularly now and never felt fitter (I am an older bugger - 56 years - but as the cliche goes - you don't stop running because you get old, you get old because you stop running!). Anyway, I get all the motivation I need from the Nike+ running app. Its great for tracking your progress and building on it. I am always looking to increase my distance or improve my times - and this Nike app helps you to do that. It is free and has an amazing amount of features. I would not dream of running without it. Get Running was brilliant for getting me started (the biggest hurdle) - Nike+ keeps me going.

Re: Keep Running - 5to10k

Posted: Thu Sep 13, 2012 3:28 pm
by Shona
I always hated running and when I hit 50 I decided to get fitter not fatter. A friend recommended this app, and I have to say I have never looked back, its simply the best running app there is. Come on with the bridge to 10k guys. Pleeeeeaaassseeeeeee :D

Re: Keep Running - 5to10k

Posted: Wed Sep 26, 2012 3:31 pm
by dragon34
I'm interested in a Keep Running kind of app, but I'm more interested in a how to get speed up then how to run longer. I'm running ~13 min miles, and I'd like to get to about 10. I'm willing to commit 40 minutes or so 3 times a week, but I have zero interest in running for 3 hours, I've just got too many other things I like to do. :) I've gone back to week 1 and run my normal pace where it says walk and trying to sprint for the run, but I think it would be better if it went on for the full 30 minutes. I also liked that earlier in the program it warned you when you were down to the last minute and 30 seconds. Would it be possible to make something where you could just construct your own workout with the built in recordings? and some time delays? I think a few more queues would have to be recorded (for sprinting and slow to a jog or something) but I'm still using the app.

I did run my first 5k in July, 41 minutes. In the 10 weeks or so that preceded that I actually ran a mile for the first time, and two miles for the first time. I run in barefoot shoes. I had never been able to run without turning an ankle before. This app and the minimilast running movement have gotten me in the best shape of my life. I just wish it had accelerated my weight loss in some way. I've lost 44 pounds, but even eating 1600 calories a day, doing 3-4 hours of martial arts a week, and running, in addition to long walks with my husband, gardening and the occasional multi mile bike ride or hike I still only lose a little over a pound a month. My metabolism is made of fail. :|

Re: Keep Running - 5to10k

Posted: Sat Oct 27, 2012 11:09 am
by jessica04
Please please I agree, I am now running 38 minutes straight and happy but feeling like I still want some encouragement to push further...wanting to reach for a new milestone but need some support...will check out app store for 'bridge to 10k' too but it would be so great to have Clare on board for the next instalment :D
Thanks from Italy.

Re: Keep Running - 5to10k

Posted: Sun Dec 30, 2012 11:52 pm
by LinP
I finished the get running app on Christmas Eve and it has been fantastic.

I'm now doing the 'bridge to 10k' app which was mentioned here and that looks good enough. Fingers crossed! Just work out what you want to do next and work out how.

This's app has opened a door I never thought I'd walk through but now we have to find our own way and enjoy it xx