Week 9 injury - knee fail.

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Week 9 injury - knee fail.

Post by Teddy »

Hi, I just ran week 8 run 3 and ran it with a slightly aching knee. I set a pretty quick pace for the 1st 3km (around 5 min/km) and then my knee failed again. I thought I may as well run the last 13 minutes and managed to cover the remaining distance to get to 5k in that time but I woke up today to go and throw a ball about with a mate and everytime I turned i was in agony.

I'm due to start the final week on Tuesday and I want to cover around 6k in the 30 mins but I'm worried that my knee will slow me down. Is there anything I can do? Will pain killers or a knee strap help?


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Re: Week 9 injury - knee fail.

Post by benjohn »

Hi Teddy,

First up, I wouldn't use pain killers! If you've got pain, it's a good indication something is wrong that needs adjusting.

Can you try reducing your pace? I'd say it's better to do the run gently then build your knees up slowly, than to hurt them and be unable to run at all for a while, or do something awful to them that is permanent!

Are you able to talk to a medical expert about it? Ideally a physiotherapist or someone who understands the body's mechanics and is used to sports injuries? They'll be able to give you good advice about whether you should strap it up, or do something else for a while, or get different shoes, adjust your running style, exercise out of balance muscles, etc.

Other options – if you have a good local running shop, the attendants might have some good ideas. Trainers at a gym might also have advice, or if you know a local running club, they might have people that can help too.

All the best,
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