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Running leading to digestion/GI problems

Posted: Fri Apr 27, 2012 3:01 pm
by scoggy
First: I finished the Get Running programme yesterday, and am dead chuffed. It's a great app, and I don't think I could have done it without it (and reading the forum has helped too). Thanks to all those involved in making the app, and contributing to the forum.

Now for the problem...

For the last few weeks I've had bad stomach cramps which have kept me awake at night and made me nauseous. I've seen a doctor who gave me some pills which help IBS symptoms, which helped a lot, and told me to eat bland foods for a few days and cut out dairy for a week. Since then I've been reintroducing foods and trying to work out what was making things better/worse. I'm still of dairy, but the last few days have had me thinking it could be the running that's caused the problems. Particularly perhaps dehydration linked to the running. My reasoning:

1) The problems started as I got to the 25/28 minute runs.

2) I'm waking up a lot dehydrated, needing a drink. This is new for me.

3) I was feeling much better last weekend. Since then I've had two bad nights, Tuesday and Thursday, each following a run, and each time I forgot to have some water before bed. On Tuesday I also gave blood at lunchtime (I ran at 7.30pm). I think this may make me an idiot.

I stopped running when I first got these problems (mainly because I could barely function, let alone run) and only started again once I felt better. I re-did the 28 minute run week when I restarted.

I'm wary of believing what I read on web sites I don't know, but I found this site with a google search: ... stress.php

It says running can cause GI issues due to:
Jostling of the digestive tract stimulates intestinal activity
Rapid fluid shifts into the colon during activity may cause irritability and cramping
Diversion of blood from the gastrointestinal tract to muscles impairs digestion and absorption
Dehydration further reduces blood flow to the gastrointestinal tract, increasing risk for gastrointestinal upset
Changes in intestinal hormones during exercise can increase gastrointestinal issues
Increased stress and anxiety before events can contribute to intestinal distress

I'm going to make sure I drink plenty of water over the next few weeks and see how it goes. If that doesn't help I'll stop running for a week or two. (I'm reluctant to do that having been really pleased to get to the full 30 minutes.)

I am unsure if this is relevant, but I'll include the info in case it is: Since January, through cutting out junk food and reducing portion sized (along with more exercise with my running) I've lost 2 1/2 stone (35 pounds). I think I've done this in a sensible, controlled way, through changing my habits and not by skipping meals, but I initially wondered if this had led to my digestion problems. I've decided probably not, since by the time I got problems my rate of weight loss had tapered off.

Has anyone else dealt with similar issues when running? If so, have you got any tips for dealing with this?

Re: Running leading to digestion/GI problems

Posted: Tue May 15, 2012 9:16 pm
by Ruger141
Hey, I created my profile specifically to answer your question since you haven't received any responses yet :shock: . I had horrible IBS issues for the last 10 years(I'm 29 now). I lost 40lbs after wanting to lose some weight but the more I worked out the more the weight kept falling off and seemed like it was not doing so in a healthy way or stopping. My stomach always growled and bothered me and was even more active now that I was working out. I spent over $10,000 at a GI specialist for him to basically tell me I have IBS, ok now what? Well I had to learn how to eat better and make some life style changes that have helped me immensely. This may not be the same for you and it's always good to take people's suggestions with a grain of salt, a doctor is the best for this. Basically what I found is it's not dairy or gluten that I have a problem with as they will say like a broken record, but overly processed foods and all their crappy ingredients. HFCS is a HUGE GI irritant for me so at first I had to stop eating junk food altogether. I can now allow a tiny bit here and there and it won't bother me. Careful because even "healthy food" the supermarket touts is usually packed full of a chemistry experiment. If the ingredients have a whole bunch of crap that sounds like chemicals then it's best to avoid. Try to eat as much organic things as your budget allows or as minimally processed things as you can find. FIBER IS HUGE!, I need to make sure I eat some fruit or nuts or other high fiber things every day and this makes a massive difference but may take some time for your body to adjust to and work well with so start small. I basically only drink water, green tea, real juice etc that doesn't have HFCS, food colorings and other junk in it. For An example of lunch I like to eat a organic yogurt, some nuts like almonds or cashews, an apps and whatever drink I have. some more things that bother my digestive system and help a lot is allergies so antihistamines work awesome for me. I like a Half a Benadryl and then after a few weeks once my body starts getting a tolerance to it I switch to another kind for a few weeks then back to the benedryl and so on. One last piece of advice, don't eat or drink anything within 2 hrs of bed time because it can give you reflux. I also found I cannot sleep on my back because I will get reflux and it messes up my whole digestive system. I sleep on my side or stomach then. Hope some of this helps you, I wish I had some information like this back when I was going through hell.

Re: Running leading to digestion/GI problems

Posted: Wed May 23, 2012 1:52 pm
by scoggy
Thanks for the extensive reply Ruger141. It sounds like you have it bad, but are managing it.

My problems have eased a bit, but not entirely. Having (I think) ruled out diabetes, the doc is now looking to do some more blood tests before he decided whether to send me to a GI specialist. It could be lactose intolerance by the sounds of it. (Could starting to run have caused/exacerbated that?)

I got some whey protein powder recently to try to ensure I'm getting enough protein, as I've kept up the running and am doing surprisingly well (I ran a 10k race on Sunday, three months and one day after I started the Get Running programme). That seems to have made me worse, and I read that it can cause issues with lactose intolerance. I'm stopping using that and am going to try re-introducing milk over the next few weeks to see if I can cope with it, or with small amounts.

I have a friend with IBS, and I'm getting a small insight into the problems he's had trying to work out what he can and can't eat.

Re: Running leading to digestion/GI problems

Posted: Thu May 24, 2012 8:14 am
by scoggy
HilarySimon wrote:I think the answer is that your body was not prepared for this kind of exercise and reacted in an unexpected way.
You may be right. I've spoken to other runners who said they had digestion problems when they started (though nothing as dramatic).