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Re: Im getting so behind :(

Posted: Tue Jul 17, 2012 6:31 am
by Catherine31350
One song I like that keeps me going is Breathe by Kylie Minogue. She sings "breath it won't be long now" ! Definitely what I want to hear!!!!

The other thing I do is look for a point up ahead, a tree or a lamppost and just think about getting to that point, that way you break the run down into segments and you forget about the time you have left.

The other thing I have found is I seem to find it really hard for the first 5/10 mins, I think to myself I don't think I can do it today, but I keep going and after 10 mins it just seems to get easier, I know it sounds strange but my husband who runs a long way (18miles plus) says he even finds that. It's almost like your body warms up!

Just keep doing it, I'm on week 8 and when I started I really found it hard to run just 1 min without stopping.

Good luck

Re: Im getting so behind :(

Posted: Tue Jul 17, 2012 12:41 pm
by bex17
Yr on Plummy lol, now that should get me going lol.
Oh Catherine I can't seem to get to the 3 mins let alone any more and the annoying thing is I actually was doing the 3 min runs and 5 min runs so something in my wireline must be a lil off lol