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Re: Finished week 5 Woo Hoo!

Posted: Wed Jul 14, 2010 9:04 pm
by Lorna
So pleased!! Finished wk5, run 3 tonight!! Total distance was a bit over 2 miles - and I did it in torrential rain with a bit of thunder thrown in for added excitement (which you would think I would be used to after having lived in Scotland for 48 years). No way did I think 5 weeks ago that I could have managed this - but I did! So to everyone just starting out and thinking its impossible and you'll never do it - keep going. If I can do it, anyone can.

Re: Finished week 5 Woo Hoo!

Posted: Fri Jul 16, 2010 7:08 pm
by Mashworth
Hey, well done guys! I have just completed my 20 min run. What a rush. Had a couple of moments with the voices telling me to stop you can't do it but I ignored it and finished.

Never thought i could do it. I have lost a good deal of weight now too.

Planning marathon in 2012.

Well done to us all.

Re: Finished week 5 Woo Hoo!

Posted: Mon Jul 19, 2010 10:45 pm
by zozobythesea
Well done to everyone! I too completed the 20 minute run at week 5 run 3 tonight. Been dreading it but it went fine, though it was a hot night to run and I was rather purple faced by the end of it! The app is great. Been trying to run on and off for years. Get this app and I'm at 20 mins of running within five weeks. Hats off to the creators for helping us all to get fit and healthy. Thank you! :)