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Re: Just finishing week 2

Posted: Sat Apr 23, 2011 2:45 pm
by tl302
Just finished my second 5K. Don't know where I ranked, but I was 2 min faster than my first 5K. These damn hills are killing me. I have been running outside a lot more. The tread mill is easier, but running outside is alot nicer.

Have a great weekend.


Re: Just finishing week 2

Posted: Sun Apr 24, 2011 10:47 am
by Redro
Ran for an hour this morning....stunning after the over night rains in Lyon. The ks are beginning to pile up on my RunKeeper app - my app of choice, now that I have finished with Get Running. There is nothing to beat running outdoors, Tim - especially on a beautiful spring morning! Now I have to just stop smoking those cigars.....

Re: Just finishing week 2

Posted: Mon May 02, 2011 1:36 pm
by Redro
Spent the last weekend in England - made the most of the glorious spring weather and the beautiful Kent countryside - and notched up a few more Ks. Hope your running is going well Tim and Michelle!

Re: Just finishing week 2

Posted: Mon May 09, 2011 2:16 pm
by Redro
Tackled my longest run so far this weekend - a 7k early morning run in the hills near Lyon on Sunday. It was a flat run actually - as we were staying up there already - but beautiful countryside to run in in the early morning. Wow it is hot all of a sudden - jumped straight into summer. Will have to start running in the morning. Off to Sedona, Arizona in 2 weeks - looking forward to notching up a few runs there too. Have a good week Tim and Michelle.

Re: Just finishing week 2

Posted: Thu May 12, 2011 8:22 pm
by Redro
Only managed a half hour run tonight plus warm ups. A real trudge - one of those days when you legs feel heavy and tired. Getting hot here too.

Re: Just finishing week 2

Posted: Mon Jun 13, 2011 6:18 am
by Redro
So how is your running going Tim and Michelle? I was recently in Arizona and had some great early morning sun rise runs in Sedona. On the way home I bought "Born to Run" at Chicago airport. Fascinating book and has really helped to spur on the whole bare foot running debate. Really got me thinking about going for a flatter less supportive shoe to help the old knees. Ran 8 ks on Saturday - longest distance in about 20 years. And then another 5 ks yesterday. Hope your training is going well - have a good week!

Re: Just finishing week 2

Posted: Wed Jul 20, 2011 6:21 am
by Redro
Well, here we are....6 months since I started this programme and still going well - after years of sloth like behaviour. Was in Malta on holiday last week - and ran my longest run this year - 9 ks. Heat and humidity were hectic though - and had to run before 5:00 in the morning. Back in Lyon and have just come back from a hilly 6 ks. On track for the "Run in Lyon" 10 k race in the beginning of October.

Re: Just finishing week 2

Posted: Thu Jul 21, 2011 1:19 pm
by Dawn
Hi Redro,

You sure get about with your travels! I agree - running outside is just the best. I have never run on a treadmill - a bit scared to if i am honest!!! ;) I used to power walk on it but I just can't get my head around running inside....I guess when it snows i might have to give is a go. Are you competing these days or still just running for your own pleasure?


Re: Just finishing week 2

Posted: Thu Jul 21, 2011 1:34 pm
by Redro
Hi Dawn, just running for fun and for fitness and because I love it - I was never competitive before - but managed to plod along for 56 ks once, in 5 hours and 30 seconds! The Two Oceans 56 k Marathon in Cape Town. Also ran many marathons - and one 3:30 marathon. However, I have been very lazy for the last 30 years or so and smoked too many cigars! I turn 60 in 4 years - and my goal is to run the Two Oceans again - 35 years after I ran the last one. I reckon that's a good way to celebrate my 60th year! I might even think about trying to run it bare foot! I have just come back from a lunch time run of 6 ks - and I felt about 160! I guess some days are just like that!

Re: Just finishing week 2

Posted: Thu Jul 21, 2011 2:18 pm
by Dawn
Ha ha - i know that feeling - that's one of the great things about running isn't it? it's a challenge...always! Last week i had a day when i felt like i could have run for ever then yesterday - i felt like I had never run before!!! Wow! A 56k....that's some going! Have you a time frame in mind to do it again? I don't think races are for me....i don't want to run on roads , i know there are some off road ones but less i think..... D'oh i just saw you plan to do it for your 60th.... sounds like a race which might take in some stunning sights?? ;)