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Week 1 second run....another newbie.

Posted: Thu Jun 21, 2012 3:47 am
by hammeredk
Another new set of wobble legs here.
Started C25K on Tuesday. I've never run in my life - only a few years of weightlifting. I've long been a master of sitting on my rear end.

Monday night I downloaded the Get Running app, woke up Tuesday morning cold, and just went out to the nearest park and started. Pushed way too hard - didn't realize that one doesn't have to be a sprinter when the kind voice says "start your run now." I scared away at least 10 people on the track what with my huffing and puffing. Turns out, there's a correct method for breathing.......and running......and doing those at the same time. I sounded like the big bad wolf on an obscene phone call.

Made it through the 6th run sequence and had to pause for about 2 minutes before pushing on through. I didn't realize how out of shape I have been.

Some research tonight on many things should make for a better go of it in the morning. Looking forward.

I've enjoyed reading everyone's progress here.


Re: Week 1 second run....another newbie.

Posted: Thu Jun 21, 2012 10:46 am
by Jbutler
There are many things you will learn as you go through the program. It's tempting to go out and push yourself to the limit, but remember that the goal is to stick with this until the end, if you go to hat too soon youre likely to give up.

Wishing you lots of success!

Re: Week 1 second run....another newbie.

Posted: Thu Jun 21, 2012 3:47 pm
by escocia38
Good luck with it all!
I tend to sprint a little more on my last run so I know I won't have to miss any!
Also read that if you get really tired you can pause the App, get your breath back before continuing.

Re: Week 1 second run....another newbie.

Posted: Thu Jun 21, 2012 3:59 pm
by hammeredk
Thanks to you both for the encouragement and advice!
Week 1 second run was today......just got in and feel great. So much better than day 1. Being more prepared helps (obviously) and being more aware of pace is, right now, a tremendous help. I was able to crank on through the whole workout without a break/stopping.

I did my warmup walk and then stopped (I guess technically, I did stop for this) to do a few stretches before starting the run. That really helped.

It also helped to not be an idiot....and stretch at the end. :mrgreen:

Looking forward to Saturday's workout. Thanks!

Re: Week 1 second run....another newbie.

Posted: Thu Jun 21, 2012 5:34 pm
by Not a runner-yet!
Welcome! The forum is great! I wish I lived close to anyone on here! I'm not a runner and I'm not young either (49) but I feel great after 4 weeks on the program. I've not missed a run yet and I look forward to reading about everyone's progress. Keep it up! Completing the runs make me feel like I've just completed a marathon!
Sheri :-)

Re: Week 1 second run....another newbie.

Posted: Thu Jun 21, 2012 7:32 pm
by escocia38
Not young at 49 Sheri?
I'm 47 and we ARE young! ;)

Re: Week 1 second run....another newbie.

Posted: Sat Jun 23, 2012 6:31 pm
by Not a runner-yet!
Ok we are young but my knees don't listen to that very often! Just finished week 4 run 2. It was a little tough but I made it. Just as I finished the clouds came in and cooled everything down. Should have waited a bit. Keep running!! :-)

Re: Week 1 second run....another newbie.

Posted: Sun Jun 24, 2012 4:50 am
by hammeredk
Ohhhh the KNEEEEEES.

Right. Hey, somebody could have told me that being cool and running on sidewalks/concrete is not cool (and I don't mean "cool" as in temperature). I found this new route to run where I alternate between sidewalks (mostly unused by the public, not well kept) and asphalt/road pavement rather than the track where I ran the first day. This route has a few mild hills and variations which has kept these last two (Week One, days 2 and 3) quite interesting.

Today was my third outing.

Must get some new shoes.....and not run on the hardest surfaces ever. I am missing my old strength I had when lifting weights several years ago. My core and legs and back were so much stronger and stable when I was squatting and deadlifting in particular. As I progress through this program and build up stamina, I plan to return to a bit of the freeweight training to help those stabilizer muscles.

All aside, really loving the Get Running app very much. Enjoying the increments of progress made each time. Loving the community of folks here who push on through...even repeating days or what? We're moving. A lot of folks are not....or can't.

Just need to buy one of those SPIBelts or something like that to carry my iPhone and key. Not into the armband.

Keep going, good people!

Re: Week 1 second run....another newbie.

Posted: Sun Jun 24, 2012 5:04 am
by hammeredk
Oh and today's run was a welcoming 102 degrees F outside with our typical high humidity. Being the genius that I am, I spent half the run focusing NOT on pace, breathing, form, etc....but on trying to determine why on earth today's run felt like slogging through a jar of molasses.

Admittedly, the cool down walk was epic. I was dripping and puffing along, walking like a machine out of some Terminator movie just having stepped out of a bloody battle. Smoke flying everywhere.

Maybe not. You had to be there.

Re: Week 1 second run....another newbie.

Posted: Tue Jul 17, 2012 9:02 pm
by Screech
Just completed week 1 run 2. Fortunate to have countryside on my doorstep and so run on grass to save the knees and shins. Downside being that if not covered up (long sleeves and pants), bad insect bites received.
Enjoying the run but finding it tough as no major exercise in years, thank god for the pause button!