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Weight loss!

Posted: Tue Jun 26, 2012 8:23 am
by Fatbum
I am approx 4 stone overweight and also suffer from very high blood pressure! With three young kiddies, I know that I need to improve my health and fitness and lose the excess weight. I was just wondering if by doing this programme people found they were losing weight, or does it just improve fitness?

Re: Weight loss!

Posted: Tue Jun 26, 2012 9:28 am
by Digbycat
You'll need to watch your food intake too but what I've found is by doing this program and I've been swimming too the ' I'm full' hormones have started to kick back in and I physically can't eat as much as I used to.

I've been doing the programme for about 7 weeks now and am still alternating between a week 2 and 3 so don't worry about how long it takes it took me 6 weeks to reach week 2, and this week I've done week 1 again because my husband decided to come too he was way better than me but I was so much faster than when I did week 1 before.

I started out with the same weight excess as you and I'm now down by a stone and a half. What I an finding is that I do believe it will work this time because for me the weight loss is a secondary issue my primary focus is learning to run.

I have made a few dietary changes too namely cutting out almost all processed food so making cakes for kids lunch boxes rather than buying chocolate biscuits. Not being processed I'll have a slice but I don't find it so addictive. We have also started having one vegetarian day a week and believe me as confirmed Carnivors that was hard but I'm finding myself looking forward to it. So essentially I'm not dieting as such just making different choices.

Re: Weight loss!

Posted: Tue Jun 26, 2012 9:28 am
by Digbycat
Ps good luck and enjoy it, the freedom you get from being out there is amazing x

Re: Weight loss!

Posted: Tue Jun 26, 2012 10:27 am
by Fatbum
Thanks for the reply, and well done you! I am watching what I eat, and I find myself thinking twice before reaching for the naughty stuff! I am trying not to concentrate in the weight side of things, just my health and fitness, however as a serial yo yo dieter it's not easy. I am on week 1 and completed r2 yesterday and found it tough, but strangely looking forward to getting out there gain :))

Re: Weight loss!

Posted: Tue Jun 26, 2012 11:39 am
by Digbycat
Yay roll on run 3:).

I can completely empathise with the yo yo dieting thing I've done it for years but it really does feel different this time and I think its down to the app giving some focus to my exercise rather than simply meandering from one thing to another.

Re: Weight loss! Struggling Addiction

Posted: Sat Jun 30, 2012 5:26 pm
by Msqualley
So I just got this app today I plan in starting very early tomorrow morning it's been so so hot! I have been struggling with my weight since my senior year in high school I will be 29 in August and I wanna at least be 20 pounds thinner I lost 5 pounds since starting slim fast almost two weeks ago I am working out but now the past few days I have been cheating here and there not even anything all that bad I am a recovering addict and have the worst sweet tooth! I feel like running will free my mind of a lot of these cravings and get me into shape ugh any advice !? Any motivation!? Any support I'll take it:(

Re: Weight loss!

Posted: Sat Jun 30, 2012 6:27 pm
by Fatbum
Go for it!! I have Completed week 1, and on the third run I could see an improvement :)). I have also noticed that I am not as hungry as I was, and tat I really think twice before picking at something. The getting up and going is tough but once I'm out there I love it. Good luck an let me know how you get on :)

Re: Weight loss!

Posted: Sat Jun 30, 2012 9:16 pm
by bex17
I ve noticed the more exercise I do the less I crave bad stuff. I also seem to have the 'full feeling' after exercise so less hungry too.
It will get easier and you will have 'blips' along the way, dont beat yourself up if you do cos we all get 'blips' along the way but keep going and persevere. Youve got us here :D
I love this site as it s so supportive. Good luck :)

Re: Weight loss!

Posted: Sun Jul 01, 2012 8:05 am
by Simongeorge
And if you do give in to the naughty stuff, you'll be burning it off anyway, which you weren't before, so in my mind the occasional treat is ok, don't you think?

Re: Weight loss!

Posted: Mon Jul 02, 2012 12:36 pm
by Msqualley
Thanks for all the support and all the tips they are very helpful it is another way to hot day out there even early in the morning :( but soon enough I will start and I can't wait! And yes cheating here and there seems ok when your burning it off!