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Runners knee

Posted: Mon Jul 02, 2012 12:48 pm
by MegK
Anyone experienced this? After Saturdays run, I noticed pain in my left knee... didn't really think much of it... it started hurting about 1-2 hours after my run. Just walking around the house, it hurt to put any kind of pressure on my left knee. I rested all day on Sunday and the pain was much less painful and thought I would be okay to run today. This morning I started run #3 on week 1 and after the fourth run, I couldn't run anymore... the pain in my left knee was unbearable. I've read various things online about runners knee... treatment ranging from ice packs to physical therapy. Has anyone experienced this and healed their knee without using traditional medicine (doctors, physical therapy, etc)? I'm icing it right now but was wondering if there were any alternative ways of healing. I'd like to avoid seeing a doctor if possible because our insurance isn't the best and we don't have money in our budget for that kind of treatment right now. I really don't want to take any time off from running because I'm just getting started and I'm afraid that if I have to take a break, I won't start back. Help!!!

Re: Runners knee

Posted: Mon Jul 02, 2012 7:02 pm
by Jonny Run Lately

Most sporting soft tissue injuries can be alleviated using a combination of:

Rest - stay off it for awhile, should help speed up healing
Ice - as you are already doing, reduces swelling, inflammation and pain (about 20 minutes per hour to get right effect)
Compression - applying pressure (with a pressure bandage - no more than a "snug" fit)
Elevation - keep the injured limb raised where possible, again to help with swelling

For anything not too serious, this should help speed up healing and reduce discomfort etc. However, if you are still suffering "unbearable" pain, it may be more serious and medical attention should be sought.

Hope this helps


Re: Runners knee

Posted: Mon Jul 02, 2012 7:49 pm
by hammeredk
Sounds exactly like what happened to me last week as I was halfway through week two. That was Thursday. Knee is still seriously messed up, no improvement. RICE recommendations are good/true, but so far for me only provides temporary pain relief.

Considering medical visit myself. Keep us posted on your progress. This isn't uncommon. Here is hoping for quick recovery for a successful return to the track/road/treadmill/trail, etc.

Re: Runners knee

Posted: Wed Jul 04, 2012 2:24 am
by MegK
Hey guys,

Still feeling some pain. Today was not as unbearable as yesterday, but there is some improvement. I can actually walk on the the knee now and put some pressure on it (not a lot though), but definitely not ready to run yet.

For those who have experienced this, how long did it take for you to get back on the road?

Re: Runners knee

Posted: Wed Jul 04, 2012 8:21 pm
by Jonny Run Lately
Hmm. It's difficult to say. If it is getting better, keep doing what you are doing and don't test it with a run until you're completely sure you're up to it. Unfortunately, it's one of those situations where only you will be able to tell. If it was me, I'd give it another week and then try, unless there was no improvement - in which case, I'd be off to the Docs.

It may put your running schedule back a week or so, but at least your knee will get better. Try it too soon and you could end up making things much worse and miss several weeks instead.

Best of luck with it.

Re: Runners knee

Posted: Wed Jul 04, 2012 10:06 pm
by MegK
Drats. That is definitely not what I wanted to hear...but you're right.

I'm going to wait until there is no pain at all, and give it a go. I can at least walk on it now, so there is SOME improvement.

I hate that this happened right after I finished week 1. This probably means I'll need to start completely over. That's okay though... I guess it means I'll be even more prepared for week 2 :)

Thanks again.