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Shinsplints and Knee Pain

Posted: Mon Jul 16, 2012 7:32 pm
by ultramalcolm
Hi all!

I've never run a day in my life. I am loving this program, and have just started week two. My problem is that though my endurance seems to be scaling up, pain in my shins and on the inside of my right knee threaten to derail my progress. Is this normal, and do I have to "fight through it," or is there something else I am doing wrong? I am feeling discouraged.


Re: Shinsplints and Knee Pain

Posted: Mon Jul 16, 2012 7:54 pm
by Not a runner-yet!
Welcome! I know I've felt the shin splint pain and I just run through that. You might try stretching a bit before you run. As far as the knee pain, I began to feel it too. I bought an over the counter glucosamine 2000 mg per tablet and I take 2 each morning. It took a few days to work but I haven't felt knee pain sense. I talked to a family friend who I a physician and he said it worked and has no adverse side effects with any other meds you may be taking. It's worth a try!

Re: Shinsplints and Knee Pain

Posted: Tue Jul 17, 2012 8:16 pm
by Jonny Run Lately
I'm running through shinsplints at the moment (W3R1 completed this evening) and they're starting to improve.

The advice on the links below is REALLY helping. ... m/234.html ... tExerc.htm

Re: Shinsplints and Knee Pain

Posted: Thu Jul 19, 2012 4:37 pm
by Peter123
Hi Malcolm,

Im no expert as ive only just started out myself but i also get shin splints so i have been doing a bit of reading and it turns out that landing on your heels as opposed to the balls of your feet can be a major influence on shin splints, i tried this as i was heel landing and instantly the pain has stopped, be warned though, your calves will be burning with the new running style :lol:


Peter :)

Re: Shinsplints and Knee Pain

Posted: Mon Jul 23, 2012 3:00 am
by ultramalcolm
Thanks for your responses, all. It's been a week since I've run, and the continued pain in my knees makes it difficult to walk, let alone run. I've bought some proper running shoes, and have started on a glucosamine supplement, so I am hoping that by next week I can either try and pick up where I left off on week 2, or start over. I am super frustrated with myself...I was on a great path, and really enjoying the runs, and am annoyed that my knees have sidelined me. Thanks for reading, and thanks for the support!

Re: Shinsplints and Knee Pain

Posted: Mon Jul 23, 2012 8:33 am
by hammeredk
I was out for two weeks after I ran through knee pain on the second week of the program. It was rough. My left knee really took a hit, but the down time caused me to do a lot of research into what I might have been doing wrong.

Like Peter pointed out above, regarding heel striking, I found many articles and videos about running styles that are centered around "natural running"...landing midfoot or forefoot rather than on the heel. Researched and found shoe types/technology that further promote this way of running.

Two weeks later, I was recovered enough to practice some of the drills related to running this way and felt good enough to get out there and pick up where I left off. I did not have to start over on the program.

I've since run another weeks worth of runs and have hardly experienced any more knee pain. As I have improved form/landing and so forth, my body has been most thankful.
It has made a huge difference, felt immediately.

Stretching, balancing exercises, strength training all help greatly.

Point is, I had to rest and ice my knee for many days. Walking was extremely painful. Should have had it checked out by a medical professional. Luckily, I've been able to work my way back into the flow of things.
Patience helped most....something I don't have much of.

Re: Shinsplints and Knee Pain

Posted: Fri Aug 24, 2012 7:01 pm
by Nikbernyfuller
Hi!! I'm on week 4 and completed it after 2 weeks trying due to similar... Googled a few things and running on your balls of your feet seemed to ease it... Also I used to get quite bad bruising... Apparently my trainers are not absorbing the shock of my feet hitting the floor!
Did you persist?? How's the legs doing now?