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Constant running jumps from 8mins to 20, eek!

Posted: Fri Aug 03, 2012 1:18 pm
by Heidijaneh
Hi, I'm just about to start c25k and was looking through the runs to see how they progress and are slightly freaked out by week 5. I don't know how I'll go from 2x 8 min runs to 20 MINUTES STRAIGHT!!!! This seems like a big ask and not very gradual at all. I know it goes back down after that. I wanted to know from those who are further on the app how you went with this huge increase in stamina?

Re: Constant running jumps from 8mins to 20, eek!

Posted: Fri Aug 03, 2012 1:19 pm
by starknut
I just answered this question in another post, so I'll just copy the link here:

It's not hard, just take it five minutes at a time!

Re: Constant running jumps from 8mins to 20, eek!

Posted: Fri Aug 03, 2012 1:27 pm
by Heidijaneh
Thank you this thread was great! I will stop stressing and start running!

Re: Constant running jumps from 8mins to 20, eek!

Posted: Sat Aug 04, 2012 4:20 am
by Not a runner-yet!
DON'T LOOK AHEAD!!!! I decided to just do what I was told and try not to think too hard about it. Remember all of the early runs lead up to the later runs, you'll be ready! I just finished week 8 and I think if I'd looked too far ahead I would have quit! So keep running and keep reading the forum. Good luck!!

Re: Constant running jumps from 8mins to 20, eek!

Posted: Mon Aug 06, 2012 3:28 pm
by Shona
I felt the same way, but it was actually easier than I thought. Dont forget although you are running 8 minutes you are doing it twice - 16 MINUTES !! so you are only adding on 4. I really didnt think I could do it, but the interval training really does work. In the meantime, stick to concentrating on a week at a time, you will get there. I actually jumped in the air when I done it! And I didnt care who was looking. It felt great :lol: