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Moving on to the next app

Posted: Sun Sep 02, 2012 3:52 am
by Jsrunner
I love this c25k app and was bummed to find out there is no post completion app. I bought 10k runner and even though I don't find it nearly as encouraging, at this point I figure I should be able to motivate myself. The two app programs don't match perfectly so I am starting 10k's week 8run 3 tomorrow and moving on from there. I am also considering running 4 days a week instead of 3 by simply repeating the third run twice. I got motivated to do this by signing up for a 5k. I guess this means I should look into a 10k as well. :shock:

What have others done after this app (congrats to those who have)?

Re: Moving on to the next app

Posted: Tue Sep 04, 2012 11:09 am
by anni
I finished the 9-week Get Running training programme 2 weeks ago and share your thoughts about how brilliant the app is and about the difficulties of finding a 'post-graduate' app that would even come close to GetRunning.

I've now experimented with some app alternatives. Currently, I test and train with three: RunKeeper, Nike+ iPad (with a shoe sensor) and Nike+ Running (no need for sensor). These are all pretty straightforward running applications that help you keep track of your mileage, pace, goals etc. and to share your achievements with your online community.

Then, in addition to learning how to track my progress, I've read some online articles and borrowed some books from the local library to learn more about running (such as Be a Better Runner by Sally Edwards and Sam Murphy's Real Women Run). I found a fairly competent looking 12-week programme from 5K to 10k and now apply that in my training. I've saved the interval sessions in RunKeeper as personal coaching plans which means that I hear the interval cues in my headphones. I loved this feature in GetRunning, and now I have that feature working really well also in my next level training! I noticed that both Nike+ and RunKeeper also have a variety of coaching programmes for sale.

I wish you many enjoyable runs and hope that you will find an app and a coaching programme that suits your personal needs and interests.

Re: Moving on to the next app

Posted: Thu Sep 06, 2012 11:09 pm
by Jbutler
So exciting to be finished huh?!

I finished about 6 weeks ago. I signed up for a 5k obstacle course at a ski mountain and ended up walking most of it (I signed up with a partner so we had to stick together and he was not a runner, plus the course was on a mountain and not really something any human could easily run). After the race my cousin (who is a runner) invited me to a regular 5k road race for the following day. On still tired and wobbly legs, I completed my first real 5 k July 22nd. I was slow, but it was fantastic and I was immediately hooked on running.

I ran another 5k the next weekend, and another one the next weekend. Then I went to sign up for a 5k with a friend and we noticed no one had signed up for the 10k course so we thought if we signed up we might win because no one else ran lol, needless to say 7 others signed up and we only beat one person (but hey we RAN a 10k!). The next weekend I ran another 10k, and it continues in that pattern until now. I have ran in a 5 or 10k race every weekend since completing the program. My last 5k I achieved my goal of running the course in under 30 minutes.

I love setting goals and reaching them. I had years of joy when I crossed the finish line at the last race with the clock proudly displaying 29:03, luckily I was profusely sweating and I don't think anyone noticed hah

Keep at it, you can always do more than you think you can. If you pace yourself you can easily transition from a 5k to a 10k runner