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Treadmill Speed

Posted: Thu Feb 21, 2013 10:02 pm
by trixyhell
Hi Everyone

I'm new to running and have just started week 3 and have a mixed bag of results. I re-ran week 1 and 2. My question is, what speed do you run at on the treadmill?

I've been walking at 3.5mph and running from 6.5 to 7.5mph. Is this too slow? Too fast?

I'd like to hear other people's experiences.

Fee x

Re: Treadmill Speed

Posted: Fri Feb 22, 2013 5:48 pm
by Lauraeliza30
Hi! Congrats on starting the program. I am a graduate of the program (I started last April) and have been visiting this website as I have started back on couch to 5k but I picked a point midway. With the winter and holidays I let my running go a bit and needed a way to recommit. With that being said, you are running way too fast on the treadmill. I have been running for a year at high altitude (I mention that because it makes me slower than if I was closer to sea level) and I set my treadmill at 4.5 mph. I vary it a little at times to about 5 mph to sometimes 4 mph. You really should find the pace that you are comfortable with and adjust as the minutes progress. For now that speed might seem sustainable but as you get further into the program maintaining that speed will become difficult without feeling very winded. The goal is to run at a comfortable pace so you can complete the run, build up stamina, and speed work comes later. I hope that helps.