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First Run

Posted: Mon Apr 28, 2014 4:04 pm
by NurseJo
Hi I've given my head a wobble and just braved my first run. I only managed 4 out of the 8 runs coz my legs were in agony.
I'll try again on Wednesday.
In the mean time could anyone give me some good advise. I am 4 stone overweight and not in the best of health but I'm determined to lose the weight and get fit.
Jo x

Re: First Run

Posted: Wed Jul 23, 2014 2:38 pm
by Tinydancer83
Hi Jo- how did you get on? Did you stick to the plan? If so has it helped you to lose weight?

I did my first run yesterday and was really struggling from half way through. I managed to see it through to the end (despite a weird neck pain which I think was from my jagged breathing) and did the cool down and some stretches so I feel ok today.

I'm 30 yr old woman, 2st overweight and I quit smoking 4 weeks ago. I'm new to running and have never really been one for any exercise.

Interested to hear from anyone who started at my low level of fitness, if they have persevered and how they are feeling now. :)


Re: First Run

Posted: Fri Jul 25, 2014 10:09 pm
by Fragglerock
Hi Tinydancer

I am a bit older than you (43) and have just got into this after following a weight loss programme. I lost about two stone in weight and focused on trying to keep my weight stable and "in control". I have an underactive thyroid which means I can look at a chocolate bar and put on a stone!

I still have about another stone and a half to get to ideal weight according to the docs charts - however realistically another stone would do me so I have turned my head to trying to exercise regularly. I have tried many avenues- spinning, gym, swimming etc but nothing has given me the buzz I feel when I am out following this plan. I know that sounds really corny but it's true. I have never stuck to any exercise regime or plan but I feel that I can stick to this one. I feel like I'm pushing myself and I'm challenging me - no one else just me. I am only about to start week three and I have yet to face the true scottish weather (rain) so we will see but at the moment I am determined. I have also taken measurements so I can see changes - little bit more motivation!

Posting on here with my achievements - great or small- gives me a little buzz too. It kind of gives me that pat on the head I need(sad I know!!!!).

I would say - go for it. You never know you might just enjoy it!

Re: First Run

Posted: Sun Jul 27, 2014 10:29 am
by Tinydancer83
Thanks fragglerock! Well done on your weight loss- I really struggle to lose weight too. I eat healthily but it's just not enough on it's own anymore. Has the running helped with your weight loss? Can you feel a difference in your body?

I'm going to do my third run (wk1) today and looking forward to it. I'm wondering if I would start to feel any physical changes soon.. As I'm only running for 8 miinutes in each session- I'm thinking it might take a while.

Its been great to find this forum as everyone is enthusiastic about the plan- this is keeping me positive and driven :)

Re: First Run

Posted: Sun Jul 27, 2014 2:53 pm
by tracylacey73
Way to go, Nurse Jo! I hope you stuck it out. It will get easier, and it will help for your next run to stretch those legs afterward. My advice is to focus on one area of your health, for example just focus on C25K for now, and the rest (the eating, etc.) will follow. You'll be feeling better and will want to eat better and drink lots of water just because you're working out. If you try to do it all at once, you could get overwhelmed and give up. Speaking from experience :lol:

Tinydancer83, you'll be amazed at how easily the weight will come off when you've been sedentary and have started getting more active. Then suddenly you'll find yourself parking farther away, taking the stairs, making your cool down walk longer just because you're not ready to stop. The hardest part was starting the program, and now you've finished week 1! Congrats!!

Re: First Run

Posted: Sun Jul 27, 2014 4:54 pm
by Fragglerock
Agree with traceylacey- weight loss has been consistent over the last two weeks and I have found that I am making better choices with food. Not noticed a lot with body changes but the one thing I have noticed is that my legs are firmer (aswell as my bum lol)

I too have started doing a little more walking after the cool down, I've even done another little jog home!

I have just started week three and agree with all of the others on here - it has started getting easier.

Good luck and stick with it - you will feel great x

Re: First Run

Posted: Mon Jul 28, 2014 12:03 pm
by Tinydancer83
It's really good hearing from fragglerock and tracylacy- I'm inspired! :) I'm looking forward to building my stamina up and seeing some changes in my body! Just got to stay motivated :)

Do any of you guys exercise between runs? The plan tells you to rest in between running days but I wonder if yoga or something might be helpful..

Re: First Run

Posted: Mon Jul 28, 2014 3:21 pm
by ColinD69

First of all, a big congrats on doing so well this far! It does get easier and you might be shocked at how quickly that can happen! :) As for exercising Inbetween running days, for the first 5 weeks of the program, I would walk the total workout time of the run you just completed. So if the overall time was say, 28 minutes (inclusive of warm up, walk / runs and then cool down) then the day after I would walk briskly for 28 minutes. I found it helped to gently improve your cardiovascular system along with the walk/runs and also helped to ease out any stiff leg muscles!

Hope this helps and keep on running!!! :)

Re: First Run

Posted: Tue Jul 29, 2014 2:07 am
by tracylacey73
Tinydancer, I like Colin's idea of walking on your rest days. You also mentioned yoga which would be great, too. I've always thought that running & yoga would be an ideal fitness regime. I try to walk or hike on the off days, and when I'm really motivated, I'll actually go to the gym for some weight training. Unfortunately, the gym is out of the question until the kids are back in school :) But don't beat yourself up if you don't do anything on those off days. You are doing something more than you were probably doing before, and that is something to be proud of! :D

Re: First Run

Posted: Tue Jul 29, 2014 1:28 pm
by Todd H
I'm thinking of adding walking during my off days myself. I started out about 70 pounds (or about 5 stone) overweight. Since starting the program I've dropped 10 pounds and have around 60 pounds to go. I think adding walking may help me lose a little more weight.