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Newbie.. And sciatica

Posted: Mon Jun 06, 2011 10:42 pm
by Alyana
Hi guys,
Looking for others experiences and advice. Ive had sciatica since 2008 (all say ouch) and go through phases where I can't stand still for too long and also where walking longer distances is also painful. As daft as this sounds I'm considering starting to run.. Well jog walk whatever the body (notice the differentiation!) manages. I've managed a few good miles walking before with little pain and dying within minutes others.

Nothing is gonna worsen the sciatica or the back (so the physio etc say) so thinking that running to lose weight will help. I have little issue bouncing around a badminton court so I'm optimistic!

Do I just say to he'll with it and go for week one.. Or should I start lower?

Any advice is appreciated!