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Finished week 3 and feeling pretty good

Posted: Mon Nov 28, 2011 12:31 am
by jenseeya
With some encouragement from a friend who used this app, I started using it three weeks ago and am quite proud that I've not stopped. I was one of those people who said for ages I don't run because of my dodgy knees but with some natural supplements and taking it easy on the runs my knees are doing fine.

I really like the app, although the transition from week 3 to 4 with running for 5 minutes at a time sounds a bit scary. Will give it a crack though.

I feel really good after the runs even if I was a bit tired at the beginning of it and look forward to doing many more.

Re: Finished week 3 and feeling pretty good

Posted: Wed Nov 30, 2011 6:48 am
by Wateredwin
Looking forward to week 3 too. Just purchased a big box of glucosamine and sulphate , used it before for skiing , not sure if it works and they look like pills a horse would take - 

Re: Finished week 3 and feeling pretty good

Posted: Wed Nov 30, 2011 5:39 pm
by starknut
Well done, jenseeya! You've kept with it nicely, so don't worry too much about the new week's runs. They seem horribly difficult in your head, but once you get out and start, it isn't nearly as bad as you've built it up to be. I also felt rather intimidated by the 5 minute run, but it was actually fairly easy, as far as that type of thing goes. I did w5r2 today, and was a little concerned about the two 8 minute runs, but it went great. Once you're out there actually doing it, all that doubt kind of fades to the background and doesn't matter anymore.

Let us know how it goes!

Re: Finished week 3 and feeling pretty good

Posted: Mon Dec 05, 2011 1:00 am
by jenseeya
Thanks. I've now finished week 4 and the 5 minute runs didn't kill me. My breathing was actually ok while running and then when stopping to do the walks is when I realised how puffed I was. I've found that my legs are tired/achy while running which is all I can think about but hopefully that will improve as I continue.

I begin week 5 on Thursday - a big week ahead with the 20 minute non-stop run at the end.