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W4 to W5 & cranking it up a notch!

Posted: Tue Dec 06, 2011 6:40 am
by expat68
I've just completed W4R2. On W4R1 I didn't manage the full 5 minutes of the second long run - I managed it today but I'd be lying if I said I didn't struggle a bit.

I'm looking ahead to W5 and feeling a little worried about that 20 minute run lurking at the end! I know the great thing about this app is that it keeps pushing you a little bit more, but that feels like a huge jump. My stubborn streak makes me want to keep pushing forward but I'm thinking of repeating W4 to build up my endurance and confidence a bit more.

Those of you who've passed that mark - how did you find it?

Re: W4 to W5 & cranking it up a notch!

Posted: Tue Dec 06, 2011 7:47 am
by Petra
Don't worry too much about the 20 minute run. Running 20 minutes without walking seems a big jump from the 8 minute run. But if you've done the program so far, you are ready for it. Keep your pace slow, that's the most important thing. Slow down if you're getting tired, but keep running. I can reassure you: it is doable!

Good luck!

Re: W4 to W5 & cranking it up a notch!

Posted: Tue Dec 06, 2011 11:36 am
by Madline
I've just run w5r1. Like you I struggled with week 4 and was really sure I needed to repeat the week, I had to stop and walk a little on the 5 minute runs on the first day and after that I felt I was going incredibly slowly. This morning though I thought, 'hey I'll give week 5 a try, it's a beautiful sunny morning' and I'm so glad I did. I think it was my best run yet, somehow the 5 minutes were do-able( the weather helped)! I'm looking forward to the next run, but apprehensive about the 20 minutes. I think this programme is amazing the way it works so well. Its always good to know you can repeat a run but also just trying the next one first to see how it goes.

Re: W4 to W5 & cranking it up a notch!

Posted: Tue Dec 06, 2011 7:09 pm
by expat68
Thanks both :) You're right. There's no harm in trying! Worst case scenario, I can't do the full 20 minutes, so I try again.

It's amazing the way this app works. Last week I struggled on the 3 minute runs and this week they're the "easy" runs! :D I think a lot of it is psychological. My muscles are willing. My lungs suffer (haven't managed to quit smoking yet :( although I've cut down) but I think the real hurdle is a mental one - believing you can do it. And once you break that - for me, it's usually on the second run of the week - it gets easier.

Re: W4 to W5 & cranking it up a notch!

Posted: Wed Dec 07, 2011 11:29 pm
by Jysmystry
Hey I am 1 run behind you so i shall be watching to see how you get on. Keep us updated on here and best of luck. Apparently you get a special message from the voiceover woman when you complete the 20 min run that makes you feel very happy :)

Re: W4 to W5 & cranking it up a notch!

Posted: Thu Dec 08, 2011 1:04 am
by starknut
Jysmystry wrote:Apparently you get a special message from the voiceover woman when you complete the 20 min run that makes you feel very happy :)
Oh yes, it left me with a smile on my face that didn't let up all morning! It's just a little thing, but it means so much after you've slogged through that first HUGE run.

Re: W4 to W5 & cranking it up a notch!

Posted: Thu Dec 08, 2011 7:34 pm
by expat68
Ooh, a special message :D

Hmmm...thinking again about repeating Week 4. I did W4R3 today and couldn't finish the second long run without slowing to a walk in the middle. The muscles were willing but the lungs were weak, even though I jog at a very gentle pace. It didn't help that it began on an incline, but in any case, I want to run 5 minutes before I crank it up...I don't feel very confident. We'll see how I feel on Sunday. :)

Re: W4 to W5 & cranking it up a notch!

Posted: Sun Dec 11, 2011 12:34 pm
by expat68
Well right up until I picked up my phone and was on my way to the door today, I was going to repeat W4. But then thought 'sod it, try W5'. I managed the first 5 minute run fine but had to pause the runs the second and third times. I just can't seem to break that 5 minute barrier!

I'm frustrated with myself and seem to have hit a plateau. Of course I know that plateaus break if you work through them, but it's still a little discouraging!

I won't repeat W4 but I think I'll repeat W5R1 until I can do all 3 5-minute runs without a pause.

Re: W4 to W5 & cranking it up a notch!

Posted: Mon Dec 12, 2011 1:00 am
by jenseeya
I did Week 5 run 2 on Sunday and I too am a bit worried about the jump from 8 to 20 minutes but I guess I'll give it a go tomorrow. What's the worst that can happen right? I remember being worried about the first 5 minute run and I did that!

I figure if I can put up with my son skipping next to me while doing the second 8 minute run and teasing me for going so slow I can do anything.

Re: W4 to W5 & cranking it up a notch!

Posted: Tue Dec 13, 2011 7:09 am
by expat68
Good luck! :D

I repeated W5R1 today and I managed all three 5 minuters \o/ - even when the final run started on a hill! W5R3 still scares me but I feel a little better for having broken the plateau.