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Fat boy running

Posted: Tue May 25, 2010 9:06 pm
by Neovinny6
Just like yo introduce myself I'm 38 and well over the fat limit near on 18 stone. I am now on my 7th week 25 min runs and I'm doing slighty longer than that. So I would like to say a big big thank you to this app. 7 weeks ago couldn't run more than a minute. So anyone out there thats lagging get up and run. Because if i can you can.

Re: Fat boy running

Posted: Wed May 26, 2010 10:44 am
Hello and a big well done!

I am the same 36 yrs old and was 18st 8lbs now at week 7 and running 25mins.

The app is brilliant and like you I struggled with the minute runs at first, but really knuckled down and starting to enjoy it.

Helps that I can see the difference as well when playing football with the children etc.... and now 17st 11lbs and getting smaller and fitter.

Re: Fat boy running

Posted: Wed Jun 02, 2010 9:19 pm
by Neovinny6
PMJW wrote:Hello and a big well done!

I am the same 36 yrs old and was 18st 8lbs now at week 7 and running 25mins.

The app is brilliant and like you I struggled with the minute runs at first, but really knuckled down and starting to enjoy it.

Helps that I can see the difference as well when playing football with the children etc.... and now 17st 11lbs and getting smaller and fitter.
just like to say i'm now on week 8 and up to 6 k so keep it up

Re: Fat boy running

Posted: Thu Jun 03, 2010 1:07 pm
by TwinMama
Great to hear you're doing so well.

I am on my first week of the C25K and completed my second run yesterday. Considering how hard I found it to run just 1 minute 8 times, I find it hard to believe I'll ever run 5K without stopping. But you are proof that it can happen!! Thanks for sharing your story - it certainly helps to keep me motivated knowing that others have been where I am today. Keep up the good work!

Re: Fat boy running

Posted: Fri Jun 04, 2010 6:39 am
by niddynoddy
I really love to read this sort of thing! As someone who feels like a galumping elephant instead of a streamline gazelle like all the other runners you see I completely relate to it.

I'm in week 6 and got run 3 tomorrow- 25 mins. When I think back to week 1!huffing and puffing and cursing the woman to tell that the minute was up. It's not been easy, I've had shin pains, knee pains, hayfever and extra work. But I have not missed a single run and actually squeazed 4 on this week as I am off for half term. Even thinking of starting to go swimming on my days off.

I'm not fast, currently doing 14.50 pace per mile. But I am doing it.

Keep going everyone!

Re: Fat boy running

Posted: Sat Jun 05, 2010 7:05 am
by Mashworth
Hi, I love ths app too. I am 33yo and was over 21 stone a couple of weeks ago. I have started week 3 yesterday and completed it even with a bit of a struggle.

I am now 19.5 stone. Have started watching what I eat, get off a train a stop earlier to walk and look forward to my runs. I am so motivated at moment I can't wait to run again.

I do most of my running off road. Just thought I'd share.

Re: Fat boy running

Posted: Mon Jun 07, 2010 6:45 pm
by Neovinny6
Would just like let everyone know I am now doing 7.58 k it's more like a heavy pounding trot but who cares. I love the peace and quite of running. Listening to my music and just pounding along but it's great. Still tubby as hell but still coming off slowly. So to all you fattys like me. Just keep it up and let's show up those skinny monkeys. Were bigger than them. He hah ahahahahahah vinny

Re: Fat boy running

Posted: Mon Feb 07, 2011 4:32 pm
Hi All, It's been a while since I've posted so here we go again.

The main reason it's been a while is that I got to week 7 run 3 and then decided to repeat week 7 outdoors as the weather was getting warmer. Guess what happened, Yep! I fell and broke my foot. :cry: It has taken me until know to get the injury right.

I was so annoyed and wished that I'd stuck to the Treadmill but these things cannot be helped and it was just one of those things.

Well, I am now back on the Treadmill and pounding out the weeks again. I am just about to start week 5 and again the thought of run 3 is a constant pain in the @~ but I know I have completed it once and will complete it again.

How is everyone getting on?

Re: Fat boy running

Posted: Tue Feb 08, 2011 9:08 pm
by walkerlee
Good for you keep running

Re: Fat boy running

Posted: Wed Feb 09, 2011 8:48 pm
by Hairyarsedpeanut
Nice one big fella! I'm 36, 17 stone plus and I'm gonna start Friday. Hope it helps coz I used to be fit many moons ago!!