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Lost my mojo...

Posted: Wed Feb 15, 2012 7:13 pm
by RooferB
Hello everyone. I have only really posted once on this forum but have really enjoyed reading everyone's messages. It is really motivating to read about how other people have got on, and it is motivation I need right now!

So I thought I would post as I am in a major funk and feel like I have hit the wall. I had reached W5R3 and the 20 minute run and was feeling rather pleased with myself, even - dare I say it - like a runner! However, then I got a cold... I attempted W6R1, perhaps with slightly too much gusto, thinking "I can run for 20 minutes, a 5 minute run? Nae bother!" and sped off like a bullet and it totally knocked me for six. The cold moved into my chest and after researching online the whole "don't run with symptoms below the neck" rang true and with asthma, I couldn't really risk it.

I finally got out after 4 days off and I am still shocked at how far back this has pushed my progress. I repeated W6R1 and struggled through it, tried W6R2 yesterday and today and could barely make it through the first 10 minutes. I'm not sure what it is but I just cannot get my head back in the game. The time is dragging now as it didn't before and I can't seem to make myself keep running... I honestly felt like crying when I got in after each run and throwing my stupid phone off the wall. I know myself too well and when exercise gets hard, I usually give up.

Sorry for the massive ramble but I'd really appreciate hearing from anyone who has had similar difficulties and set-backs and how you've got over it. How did you regain the running mojo?! Does it come back? I was really starting to enjoy being out running and making progress but I have hit the wall and don't know how to break through it! :cry:

Thanks for reading!

Re: Lost my mojo...

Posted: Wed Feb 15, 2012 9:13 pm
by starknut
This happened to me last month! I ran 5k with a head cold, and it moved to my chest and became bronchitis. I couldn't run for a week and a half, and when I finally felt well enough to get back out there, I couldn't complete even 10 minutes. I was just so winded! It was so disappointing, considering I'd finished the program and had stepped up to running 40 minutes at a time. I went back and repeated w5r3, just for the positive reinforcement from Coach Claire. After that, I added 5 or 10 minutes to my runs, depending on how well the previous run had gone. Today I ran 45 minutes. I got back to where I had been, and YOU WILL TOO.

Be patient with yourself. Repeat week 4 and 5. Go back and do week 3 if you need to. Pushing too hard will only make you more discouraged and less likely to want to keep going.

Re: Lost my mojo...

Posted: Wed Feb 15, 2012 9:47 pm
by RooferB
Thank you for your reply! I think going back a couple of weeks might be a good plan. The thought of it made me sad at first but I guess it is better to recap weeks successfully than keep trying to do extended runs and not completing.

I might try week 4 again starting Friday and see how I get on. It might get me back in the zone if I can do them okay!

Thanks again. :)

Re: Lost my mojo...

Posted: Thu Feb 16, 2012 12:59 am
by starknut
Oh, I totally understand! I nearly cried when I realized I would have to go back to week 5. But it helped me feel better knowing I had a goal I could reach immediately, rather than punishing myself with runs that I was not capable of completing.

Hang in there! You'll get back on track in no time.

Re: Lost my mojo...

Posted: Sat Feb 18, 2012 9:41 pm
by RooferB
I made it through W6R1 this evening! So pleased. I tried it yesterday too but stopped a couple of times during the 8 minute run. Tonight it was soooo much better! I had a crappy day generally and was looking forward to getting out, put The Muppets soundtrack on and went a different route and enjoyed being out again at last! There was a moment or two where I wanted to stop but I pushed through and thought how good it would be to post here and let you know I made it. Rest day tomorrow, then W6R2 Monday. Looking forward to it now. :)

Re: Lost my mojo...

Posted: Sun Feb 19, 2012 12:49 am
by starknut
Well done! I'm so happy to hear you're back in action! :D