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Still,,,,attached to couch,,, Need Encourage

Posted: Tue Mar 27, 2012 3:20 am
by Lamajordan76
Hello everyone ,,,,,

My name is lama from Alabama USA , I'm struggling in losing weight , to make a long story a short one , I tried everything I mean everything[BUT] all of it was by myself !!!!
Then I saw on the Tv talking about this app how you can share your pain , struggle ,and to get motivation !!! Wow ..... One thing left I hope it is really will work to have a team having the same health worries , goal to lose weight , and a give a push far away to do it !!!!! ,,,,,,,Good luck for everyone and to me , I want to start next week April/1/2012....Hopefully to get encourage and accompany by then .

Re: Still,,,,attached to couch,,, Need Encourage

Posted: Tue Mar 27, 2012 1:27 pm
by TheDogAteMyName
You can do this! The first few weeks are the hardest but this program does work. The hardest part is starting. The first weeks my body and my lungs were not liking it and I wasn't sure if I could even do this. But I did and here I am seven weeks later running 25 minutes and feeling exhilarated after. Not only can I now run but I look back and remember just how out of shape I was and how far I've come. I never thought that throughout the weeks I would feel this good and I never knew that I could get this far. You'll probably look back at your success in the same way. I'm cheering you can really do this! All you need is heart and determination the first weeks to tell you to keep going. After that you get stronger and you'll most certainly see a difference!

Re: Still,,,,attached to couch,,, Need Encourage

Posted: Tue Mar 27, 2012 11:55 pm
by Ian
If your goal is to lose weight then you may find yourself a little disheartened for the first while on doing this. What this app does is boost your fitness and stamina.

BUT...... The thing is, that as you get fitter you start to become more motivated too. It even becomes fun which is hard to believe when you feel like you might die in the first few runs (at least I did). What is wonderful about this app is that no matter how hard it is to believe at first, it is all achievable. It's a clever program.

What I found was that I started watching my diet a bit more because every bottle of coke for example was adding more calories and making my runs harder. I started drinking lots of water and little else. I also discovered that alcohol the night before a run was a bad idea.

Weight loss means using more calories than you put in. I didn't burn a lot of calories in the first few weeks. In fact one chocolate bar just about undid the good work. Now I'm burning around 800 calories and weight is coming off slowly. Most importantly though I feel a million times better than I did before I started and although my weight has not changed a massive amount (about 5kg) my body shape has changed a fair bit. Muscle weighs more than fat.

Do the program and you WILL be fitter and healthier. But don't bother with a weighing scales. Measure progress by what you can achieve from week to week and how much better you feel. After a while you'll start to notice a change in how your clothes fit too. . . . If you take care of what fuel you put in your body too.

Anybody can do this. Absolutely anybody. You can too. Bet it's hard to imagine yourself able to run 5k right now, but you could be doing it in a relatively short time just by following this program.

What are you waiting for? Get out and get started. You will be delighted that you did!

Re: Still,,,,attached to couch,,, Need Encourage

Posted: Sat Mar 31, 2012 9:04 pm
by Pushingit
Go for it - it's worth it - Im 5ft 3 and was just over 15stone when I started - everything wobbled and jiggled and I was counting down the seconds for each run - but now 3 months later I'm 17 pounds lighter and can jog for 35 mins non stop - a pair of jeans in the back of the wardrobe long forgotten is now loose on and I can see muscle definition in my calves again and the wobbling & jiggling isn't as bad - be sure to get a good sports bra if you have sizeable assets!! I got a shock absorber one and it makes a huge difference - it's much easier to breathe when they're not bouncing all over the place - I'm counting calories as well with "my fitness pal" and couch to 5k really fits in well - dont expect to enjoy jogging - it's self inflicted torture some days but the feeling of satisfaction when you complete a run is well worth it - good luck

Re: Still,,,,attached to couch,,, Need Encourage

Posted: Sun Apr 01, 2012 6:17 pm
by Gareth111278
Go for it! It's YOUR body you owe it to yourself to get fit , even if you don't loose
Much weight you'll be better off. You should have a longer healthier life!
I'd never run since school but now I'm on week 5 of the app & I love it!

Re: Still,,,,attached to couch,,, Need Encourage

Posted: Mon Apr 02, 2012 2:17 am
by Mandy123
One suggestion I have is I used to never eat breakfast and was always tired and feeling drained by lunch now that I have started I notice I eat less and am more lively