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Could you run a marathon without training?

Posted: Sat Mar 31, 2012 12:38 pm
by starknut

I would recommend not clicking that link if the sight of Jedward makes you ill! :)

And this blogger explains how he completed a marathon with no training: ... -a-runner/

I think it's ridiculously irresponsible to attempt a marathon with no preparation and training! And I'm not sure I'll ever do a marathon, even though I'm eventually planning to do a half. I'm only half crazy, after all!

Re: Could you run a marathon without training?

Posted: Mon Apr 02, 2012 12:06 am
by Ian
I got to week 8 of this program and then did a marathon. My verdict is that it's possible but you need your head examined if you do it that way! 6 hours after I started I reached the finish feeling more mentally, emotionally and physically drained than I ever have in my entire life (also a little euphoric that I'd finished).

It was monumentally stupid to do a marathon with that little training. I lost about 1/4 of the skin on my feet through blisters and one toenail (came off a month afterwards). It took me 2 months before I was able to get back running and I had to start right back at week 1.

On the other hand, marathons are an amazing experience and I'm doing it again this year. . But I'll be fully trained by then (Dublin marathon at end of october).

I would recommend doing a marathon at least once in a lifetime to everybody, but not without training properly even for walking it. Most marathon training programmes are 16 - 18 weeks and assume you are at 5k or preferably 10k level to start with.

Re: Could you run a marathon without training?

Posted: Mon Apr 02, 2012 11:08 am
by starknut
Wow, congratulations on finishing! Definitely something to be proud of!

But oh my gosh, at week 8 you couldn't even convince me to do a 5k run!

Re: Could you run a marathon without training?

Posted: Fri Apr 06, 2012 5:34 pm
by Mandy123
Just the thought of it scares it

Re: Could you run a marathon without training?

Posted: Fri Apr 06, 2012 11:39 pm
by NeilHughes1
I think there is a huge difference between running a marathon with no training and walking most of the way which is what some of the z list celebrities are guilty of.

Would be a fantastic achievement to have run a marathon, but at the moment by first goal is 5k in 30 minutes, then a 10k, then a half marathon and maybe just maybe finally a full marathon before I collapse in a heap :lol:

One step at a time though, need to get 5k completed in 20-30 minutes before I can think of all that other crazy stuff.

Re: Could you run a marathon without training?

Posted: Sat Apr 07, 2012 1:12 am
by Mandy123
I'm with neil!