Go me! :)

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Re: Go me! :)

Post by Toadie »

Hurray, I did it too! Go us! It was brilliant! I felt the same as you about it actually, the first 5 minutes I was really unsure. I kept feeling phantom pains in my legs (entirely down to nerves) and thinking 'oh no, I'm not going to be able to do this', and I just felt really sluggish. I kept telling myself that even if I had to stop it was OK, and I could try again. But then 10 minutes in it got easier because I thought, right, I've already come this far, I just need to keep at it. And suddenly it didn't feel much longer until the end. And I DID IT! I was a little bit tearful at the end because I've never been able to do anything like this before. It was so good! And I sped up during the last minute, too, because I'd been going really slowly up until that point because I didn't know how much energy I'd need to conserve. I probably could've gone on a little longer, but I'll save that for next time!

SO pleased and proud of us right now! W5R3: COMPLETED.
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Re: Go me! :)

Post by saintmiko69 »

Well done Dixie and Toadie really pleased your 20 min runs went so well.
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Re: Go me! :)

Post by Dixie »

Oh well done Toadie!! I was soo chuffed too!

Thanks saintmiko69. :D

This morning, back to intervals (5, 8 and 5min runs). It went fine and I think I would be right in saying that I found the walks in between almost harder than the runs! They were making my legs ache and I found myself just wanting to get going again! The runs felt quite achievable, although the final 2 mins of the last run my legs felt quite heavy.So here we go again, hurtling at speed towards the end of the week and Friday's 25 min run...... :?
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Re: Go me! :)

Post by Toadie »

I finally managed w6r1 today (I say finally - actually only a day behind schedule, but I was so desperate to keep going that it felt like ages!). I know exactly what you mean about the walks feeling harder now. I remember when the walks were welcome relief, but now they just annoy me! Considering going straight onto w6r2 tomorrow, skipping a rest day, just so I can stay on track. Surely skipping just *one* rest day can't hurt...?!

Also, it's so cold and dark now. It's a real struggle getting out of the door (though once I'm out I do enjoy it). I'm a bit worried this is only going to get worse as the winter draws in. Not sure how to deal with it!
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Re: Go me! :)

Post by Dixie »

Hi Toadie

Not sure what to say on skipping a rest day? Probably best to rest (especially if you are not feeling 100%) but then you could be fine! :?

Re the dark and cold - I know! Horrible isn't it! I have to run in the mornings too. The thing only I would say is that the clocks go back this weekend I think, so maybe the mornings will be slightly lighter for a while?? Regarding the cold - I often run in a hat as my hair goes beserk after a run in damp weather (I end up looking like Crystal Tips as in Crystal Tips and Alistair - google image it if you don't know who I mean! :lol: ) and it is fine for me. Regarding gloves - not sure on this as I have never tried but I have seen plenty of runners (who look a far more serious standard than me) out in them. Also, I find using one of the ultra thin (nylon/polyester/elastine) long sleeve tops that my son uses for rugby (under his shirt) brilliant. I don't know what they are called officially but in our house we call them his 'under armour'?? It's like a base layer 'skin' and I use them for skiing too. Really light weight and thin and they keep you warm by 'wicking' away sweat etc?? Let me know if you want more info (like the make I use etc).
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Re: Go me! :)

Post by Toadie »

Ahh thanks! I've commented on the other post specifically about this, but it's brilliant advice, thanks! I think as for the rest day I'll just see how I feel in the morning. Knowing me, an extra half hour in bed will probably prove too tempting anyway!

My hair goes totally crazy when I run too... this morning was foggy and drizzly and I came back looking completely ridiculous! Maybe a hat would solve the issue. Any excuse to go shopping, anyway!
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Re: Go me! :)

Post by Timl2k10 »

BTW, gloves will prevent you from using your iPhone. However there seem to be plenty of vendors (even in Florida! ;)) now that sell specialized gloves with some sort of material on the fungertips that allows them to be used with any touchscreen smartphone like the iPhone.
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Re: Go me! :)

Post by Dixie »

W6 R2 didn't go too well for me today. In fact it was horrible! :( I managed to run the first 10 min run fine, despite having a few distractions to deal with ( x 3 styles to climb over, one dog poo to pick up and dispose of in a bush and one 'Fenton!' moment when one of my dogs went after some deer! :oops: ). The second run went badly wrong however.... I had gone a new route and, 3 mins into the run, I encountered a steep hill. I managed to run up it but then, once at the top, I felt I was really struggling (legs and breath etc). I kept on going for another half a min or so, thinking things would settle down but they didn't settle fast enough and I just had to slow down to a walk. :cry: Gutted! So, after another minute or so walking, I decided to give the second 10 min run another go and I made it! However, I think I may have overdone it, what with the 'hill run' in the middle, and now feel completely knackered! Plus, for the first time ever this programme, my legs are actually aching. God knows how I am going to manage the 25 mins on Friday...... :?
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Re: Go me! :)

Post by Timl2k10 »

Hi Dixie. I hate hills, and over here they are barely 5 feet high at best! I overdid my W4 run 1. I was overly enthusiastic about the cool weather and thought I could just put the petal to the metal. It was a tough run and for the first time I've had muscle soreness after a run (as an aside, that's not really a bad thing, it means my muscles are repairing themselves and getting stronger in the process). I've had two days of rest (I switched my 1st run from Monday to Sunday to take advantage if the weather) and still feel sore. A painful run can be quite unpleasant! I'm normally stoked about my next run but today I find myself putting it off. Well, I guess like the old Nike commercials used to say, I've got to "Just Do It". Avoid that hill Friday, it can be conquered another day. :P
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Re: Go me! :)

Post by flyboy »

Hey Dixie,

Don't feel bad about the 'failure'.

I used to be so obsessed about not failing that I would re-run days that I had already completed, just because I felt I wasn't ready for the next step and wished to consolidate. But I finally realised that it was actually better to fail at a new run, because at least I'd know what I was up against and would have a real chance of completing it the next time.

So it doesn't matter if you failed the run. You are still a better runner than before you attempted it. And never underestimate the confidence that comes with overcoming a run you previously failed at - makes you physically and mentally harder. Hang in there! :D
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