Starting running in preparation for my wedding- any advise?

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Re: Starting running in preparation for my wedding- any advi

Post by Redro »

Hi framingblackcab, yes it is all unbelievable. They built Wivenhoe Dam as a flood prevention measure for Brisbane after the '74 floods - I wonder what they will do now to prevent this happening again. Australia has to constantly cope with floods, bush fires and droughts. Very tough. Just finished week 2, run 3 - beautiful warm sunny day in Lyon - had a great session with the trusty lab trotting next to me! So far so good, knees holding up! Have a good week.
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Re: Starting running in preparation for my wedding- any advi

Post by framingblackcab »

Hi redro
How has your week been? I have just finished run three week three. Tried running with my 14 year old daughter today, it proved to be more challenging than running with the dog . I think the problem is you get into your own routine and pace it was really frustrating, she is also one of lifes moaners but I want to encourage her so think I will be doing week three again as she is just getting started so she can catch up. Don't really want to go back to week one with her and she is young and fit she just doesn't think she is.
I so envy your sunny weather to run in it always seems to be grey and damp when I go out.
Hope you have had a good week
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Re: Starting running in preparation for my wedding- any advi

Post by Redro »

That's funny framingblackcab! My 14 year old daughter asked if she could join me yesterday and I said no - she talks too much! Running is my escape and is my time and the family knows that - I am available and doing things with them during the other 23 and a half hours of the day. So, yesterday it was just me and the lab. Run 3 week 3. Slight niggle in my knee from an old running injury - but hopefully with stretching and a gentle training build up I can run throught it. By the way I see the original developer of the Couch to 5k programme has a web site Quite a lot of interesting stuff on life after 5 ks. Beautiful clear weather here in Lyon - but not making it over zero degrees yesterday. I presume you are in the UK. Have a good week.
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Re: Starting running in preparation for my wedding- any advi

Post by Redro »

How are you doing there framingblackcab? Still going strong? Hope so. I remember you dropped a week behind - hope you are hanging in there.
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Re: Starting running in preparation for my wedding- any advi

Post by framingblackcab »

Hi Nick
still here, just posted under the "just finished week two" combination of not being on line, my partner being in India ( riding a royal enfield 2000miles for charity, long story ) high winds ( sounds woosy but I can't run in high wind it kills me) and dodgy knees means I have dropped back even further and haven't been in touch. I have just done my first two eight mins big 20 next but I am still really motivated and the most determined I have been about anything for a long time. Sounds like you are doing great are you managing to stay injury free still? Any tips for the 20 greatly received.
talk soon and take care
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Re: Starting running in preparation for my wedding- any advi

Post by Redro »

Wow Michelle, riding a Royal Enfield for a charity even in India - I am seriously jealous! perhaps?

So far, I am injury free - apart from the occasional twinges from the knees. I keep reminding myself that this is a good thing, and it means I am exercising again - after a long lay off!

No tips really - apart from keep at it consistently and don't be tempted to overdo it, as you get fitter!

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Re: Starting running in preparation for my wedding- any advi

Post by framingblackcab »

Hi Nick
you were pretty close He has had the most incredible and challenging journey, he has some video clips and photos on his site now. I think we are all pretty jealous, I visited India many years ago for four months and totally fell in love with it.
Good to know that you are injury free other that the achy knees and I must admit somedays I do have to convince myself that it MUST be good for me.
take care and happy running
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Re: Starting running in preparation for my wedding- any advi

Post by Redro »

Looks amazing Michelle, would love to do something like that one day. And especially to visit India. I back packed across southern China in the 80's. 6'3", blonde and with a beard - something of a novelty in that part of the world back then!

Went for a 25 min run at lunch time today - lovely and sunny. Bit of a struggle and a reminder that even after 6 weeks, there is a long way to go before one can run comfortably after too many years of no serious exercise. The end of this programme is just the start.

Have a good run.
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