First Day

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Joined: Wed Jun 06, 2012 8:38 am

First Day

Post by escocia38 »

First day and downloaded the App just 10 mins ago and about to go on my first run.
Am 47, based in SW London, not overweight and gave up smoking (20 a day for over 28 years) 35 days ago at 1pm today. Always say that I'm not a runner and only run from the police or other peoples husbands!
Since quitting I've cycled over 300 miles including on trip to Windsor & back (55 miles) so hope my running won't be too hard.
Wish me luck! :)
Posts: 23
Joined: Wed Jun 06, 2012 8:38 am

Re: First Day

Post by escocia38 »

OK, day 1 complete and it wasn't easy!
I have a touch of slight asthma which seemed to come back yesterday so I was finding it really difficult. I was also thinking that after all my cycling in the past month, why was if so hard?
After run 3 I was considering turning around and walking back, and during run 4 I was definitely turning around and walking back. However, I then decided I'd try two more and after two more it seemed pointless giving up if there were only two left. The idea of last 5 minute cooling down walk felt like heaven........... and it was heaven!
Thinking back though I did feel that the last two, although hard, weren't as hard as the first 3.
Here's to my next one at the weekend. :)
Good luck everyone.
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Re: First Day

Post by yayifications »

I did my first run yesterday and I have bad asthma and felt as if I was going to die after run 2! (But I'm only 17)
I did consider giving up too but I found it helped to just pause for a minute or two to catch my breath again, and not to run so fast. I run in the field my house is in so I could easily come home but I was determined to finish! The hardest part is getting started, right? Plus it felt amazing knowing I'd successfully completed it afterwards.

Good luck on future runs! (:
Not a runner-yet!
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Re: First Day

Post by Not a runner-yet! »

Good job on finishing the run! I just started, I'm on week 2 and ran the first run today. Do you run with music? I've found that helps, I get into the music and it takes my mind off the running. Are you running up hills? My run is pretty flat, through my neighborhood and around the track at the local school. I don't know how I'd do up hills! Good luck and keep going!!!
Posts: 23
Joined: Wed Jun 06, 2012 8:38 am

Re: First Day

Post by escocia38 »

Thanks guys,

To....... yayifications & Not a runner-yet!....................

Feeling a little stiff today and guessing tomorrow I'll be worse.

I felt the same way after my second run but I think it was a little better afterward - still hard though!
I should have taken my inhaler too - although I normally just have slight asthma I seem to have a slight chest infection too but even that seems much better today. Keep going and am sure it'll help your asthma in the long term :)

Week 2 ? AM dreading that in case it's much harder!
I normally cycle to music using the Nike running app which automatically plays music so started yesterday and expected music - but none! Didn't realise that I had to set my iTunes music on myself too. Worked it out by run 7 so was a little better. Also found it a little easier at the end running on a wide, empty road rather than the pavement too.

All my running is flat apart from a slight incline towards the main road at one stage - think a made a mistake as that was my first run after the 5 min warm up!

Problem for my next run on Saturday though! I have my young son with me for the holidays, and my good friends and neighbours are moving house today so no one to look after him on Saturday! SO I may have to leave run 2 until Monday and 3 on Weds!
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