Wk2R2 Complete, but quite sore calf?

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Wk2R2 Complete, but quite sore calf?

Post by Peter123 »

Hi all,

Im new to this site and to this programme so first off hello to everyone :D

Im made up to of found this programme as ive been sitting round for the last 2 years since having my little girl doing zero exercise and i have been saying for ages i need to get back to some sort of exercise and of course loose a bit of weight :lol:

I have never like running, ever, so was quite suprised to find that i have actually been enjoying this programme and i actually look forward to my next run.


I completed wk 2 R2 last night and felt good but last night and this morning my right calf has started to hurt when i walk, no pain whilst sat still just when i start to move, but i also notice that the more i move the less it seems to hurt?

Not sure if ive done any damage or if its just sore from the fact that ive been running and exercising it?

Should i try to do the next run and see how it goes or leave it a few days? I Really dont want to get into the habit of skipping run days but im concerned that if it is damaged i will only make it worse which will then mean i cant do anything!


Peter :)
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Re: Wk2R2 Complete, but quite sore calf?

Post by starknut »

You may have pulled a muscle. I strained a calf muscle about a year and a half ago, and it wasn't anything like I expected. Just a dull achy feeling in the muscle as I moved, and especially bad if I tried the stairs. It did seem to get a bit better once it was "warmed up" with a bit of exercise, but it would always hurt more afterward.

Take it easy and stretch!
Not a runner-yet!
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Re: Wk2R2 Complete, but quite sore calf?

Post by Not a runner-yet! »

I wouldn't skip the runs unless the pain is truly unbearable. Try stretching it out throughout the day and before you begin the program. I've had several mini cramps but the tend to work themselves out as I run. Great job on beginning the running! I love this app, the people here seem like extended family, so welcome!
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Re: Wk2R2 Complete, but quite sore calf?

Post by Peter123 »

Thanks for the welcome :D

I will take things easy and try stretching it out over the course of the day but i will keep to the run and see how things go? The run is not till tomorrow so hopefully it will feel a bit better by then as well.

Your right about the friendly environment, ive been reading through a few other threads and everyone seems really helpfull, i suppose its always better when theres a common interest.

Peter :)
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Re: Wk2R2 Complete, but quite sore calf?

Post by Peter123 »

Well im afraid it looks like bad news! Just tried to do wk2r3 and had to stop after the third run and walk home with a limp! :(

I'm absolutley gutted, I felt great as well at the start, and then disaster!

What is the recommended rest period for a strained calf? Or is it a case of just seeing how things go?


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Re: Wk2R2 Complete, but quite sore calf?

Post by starknut »

I am sorry to say I can't remember how long my doctor advised me to take it easy. Several weeks, I believe. Give it two weeks and see how it feels then.
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Re: Wk2R2 Complete, but quite sore calf?

Post by Digbycat »

I had the same problem during the early weeks (I'm still only week 3 not moving very fast through the programme) but the calf strain did slow me down, unlike shin splints running through it doesn't work it needs to rest.

The first rest I gave it was just under a week and it wasn't long enough so I did 2 weeks off which seemed to do the trick.

You don't need to lose momentum while you resting it - cycling and swimming don't aggravate it so I built my swimming up to a mile and increased my front crawl from none, totally unable to do it to 30 lengths but I can't do that continuously. I found the work I'd done on my breathing made a massive difference to my running when I was able to try again.

Good luck - take care and don't underestimate the power of stretching properly afterwards x
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Re: Wk2R2 Complete, but quite sore calf?

Post by Peter123 »

Thanks guys,

I'm just really disappointed because I was just getting into the running and I was feeling better each time I ran.

I was wondering about the swimming or cycling as I didn't want to end up back at square 1 again after resting for possibly 2 weeks! I no it hasn't been long but I honestly felt I was coping much better with the cardio side of things.

I will stop by the local baths I think on monday and see how it goes? I like cycling but I don't have a bike :lol:

Not a runner-yet!
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Re: Wk2R2 Complete, but quite sore calf?

Post by Not a runner-yet! »

Ice is your friend! Ice your strained muscles and stretch them out often through the day. It may help you to recover more quickly. Don't give up! Post your daily progress. It will keep you in the loop! Good luck!
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Re: Wk2R2 Complete, but quite sore calf?

Post by Peter123 »

Hi all,

Well its been over 5 wks since my last run, I had the intention to swim whilst I couldn't run but this never happened unfortunately!

Anyway, I got back out there this morning and ran wk3 run 1, was quite difficult but that was prob due to loosing that bit of stamina id gained, however I am chuffed that ive started again :D I could feel myself getting back into the old lazy ways :lol:

Hopefully the calf injury will stay away now and I will be able to keep this up.

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