What are your running habits?

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What are your running habits?

Post by expat68 »

Just being nosy :)

What time do you run, and where? Do you prefer inside or outside?

I like to get the exercise over with in the mornings as otherwise I know it's too easy to find an excuse. Lunchtime? Too busy at work. After work? Too tired and/or hungry. But if I can work through the pain of getting up at 6:30am I can run in the peace and quiet, and feel smug for the rest of the day. It's especially hard going into winter but I reckon by summer when the mornings are light and warmer, it should be a breeze! I do this twice during the week, and then on Sunday mornings. Sundays are the days I start the new week of runs.

I'm not a member of a gym, so I'm never on a treadmill. It's all outdoors. Which means more hills, but I enjoy being outdoors, though I might not say that if I get caught on a particularly foul morning! On the weekdays I stick to the pavement but on the Sunday runs, when I can run in daylight, I choose a lovely stretch of Woodland Trust land. I encounter the occasional cyclist or dog walker but generally I have it to myself so nobody has to witness my red, puffed out face and open-mouthed gasping for air. ;-) I've attached a photo, taken on a particularly gorgeous autumnal day.

How about you?
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Re: What are your running habits?

Post by starknut »

I am still trying to work out a good schedule. I don't have the car most days, so I have to stick to the sidewalks in our housing area, and people are always blocking the sidewalks here, so there's only one stretch of road where I can run. Preferably, I would like to run Monday, Wednesday, and Friday. But Mondays are when the lawn maintenance crews are out, so if I go then, I have to dodge industrial lawn mowers and leaf blowers. And a guy on one of the lawn mowers chased me once (this is not counting the creeper with a leaf blower who followed me one day to watch me from the rear). There is just no getting around the fact that no matter where I am running on a Monday, I will encounter the lawn guys.

I will probably end up running Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Saturdays. This is assuming all the while that the lawn buttheads will actually show up on Monday: they didn't yesterday, they came today instead, which really threw a wrench in my plans.

But I always go in the morning, after my son has had breakfast. Usually around 8:30 or 9:00 am, depending on what time he woke up and how easy it is to get him dressed (he's two, and very opinionated). In the summer, I prefer to go earlier, because the Florida heat and humidity are enough to knock you over 24/7 anyway, and once the sun is out it is beastly.
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Re: What are your running habits?

Post by Petra »

I prefer to run in the morning, after having a light breakfast. But since I have to leave at 7.15am for work, running in the morning is only possible in the weekends. On weekdays, I run when I come home, before dinner. This means I have my dinner quite late, at 8pm (which is late, here in the Netherlands normal dinner time is 6pm). But I prefer this over having dinner first, waiting an hour until it's digested, and go running.
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Re: What are your running habits?

Post by caffrin »

I prefer the mornings too. Or some time around lunchtime if work allows. I work for myself from home so can usually sort it out although these weeks up to christmas are a bit busy :-) I always run outside. I live 5 minutes walk from the river Thames and have a lovely long tow path to run along. Now its getting colder I am thinking of perhaps joining a gym so I can do treadmill running when there is snow and ice on the ground. I do prefer to be outside though with the wind and beautiful scenery.
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Re: What are your running habits?

Post by expat68 »

A tow path would be lovely. No hills. :D I'm thinking of buying Yak Trax for when it gets icy, although SE England has escaped the worst of the wintry weather so far. It was sleeting when I ran this morning, but bearable.
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Re: What are your running habits?

Post by Jysmystry »

I have shin splint issue so I'm limited to the treadmill till my body strengthens and I lose some weight.

I run Monday, Wednesday & Friday and i do 30 mins on the old cross trainer Tuesday and Thursday.

I normally go at 12:30 in my lunch break or after work if I'm too busy.

I can't wait to be able to run outside on harder surfaces as I live half a mile from Dartmoor national park so loads of amazing places to run if you don't mind dodging sheep and pony crap!
You can run but you'll just die tired
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Re: What are your running habits?

Post by ausgirlscouchto5ks »

I ensure that I run between 5am and 6am in the morning. I first started at this time as I did not want people to be about when I first started, I was a bit shy (haha remember those days!?). As I am in Australia and it is summertime, the sun is up at 5. This gives me a good hour after the run to take my time in regaining my energy and get ready for work. I jog Mon, Wed and Fri. If I feel like it, I run a "no pressure session" on the Saturday.

This routine has enabled me to stick to the program when getting used to the whole idea of exercising. I prepare my running gear and accessories the night before, ready for when I get up in the morning. I would never have stuck to it if I went after work or if I went at random times.

I am very lucky for where I live there is beach on one side and an estuary on the other. :) Mind you, when I am trying to get through the levels in jogging, I often miss the view!

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Re: What are your running habits?

Post by Puttingdownthechips »

I'm just starting this with my first week, but I already have a habit. For my running habits I tend to go at night. 9 P.M, to be exact. I cant ever seem to make myself go in the morning, always find myself wanting to sleep in, during the afternoons I don't want to risk being seen. (as I put it, who wants to see this fat blob running by?). I live in a very hilly neighborhood so I don't really ever start as soon as I get out the door, and I don't have a membership to any gym, so what I do is there's an activity center within walking distance of my home, and they have a very large parking lot thats nice and flat, I go there and run around after no ones there...well lit, can't be seen from the street and flat...bonus bonus bonus!
Inspired to be able to run, desired to lose all this excess weight.
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Re: What are your running habits?

Post by Stephlperry76 »

My running routine (wow sounds crazy just saying that :D ) is right after work. I'm so not a morning person and once I get home and relax, forget it. I go right after work. I'm a teacher so it's nice that by 4:30 I can be heading to the high school track where I do my running. I don't have a gym membership and the sidewalk kills my shins. The track provides the little bit of padding I need for my legs.
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Re: What are your running habits?

Post by JoelGwood »

Sadly, this week I'm changing my routine. With the start of my new semester, I have to be at school two hours earlier than I've had to last semester, which means an early rise, starting tomorrow!

I'm a morning person, so I hope all this won't bother me too bad, but starting this week, I'll be getting up at about 6 every morning to go running. (I sure feel bad for ausgirl, with her 5am schedule! Wow!) Half of the time, I run on our back road that leads out to the highway from our house. It's about a mile long, so I can run up and down it during my runs each day. The other half of the time (I stay at my grandma's house during the school week), I run at the park in my grandma's town. I run around the small lake about three times each run, and it's just gorgeous!

I think I'm still forming some other habits, but I really like the ones I have so far!
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